Unpacking AN2 files

Trockendock für alle Wartungsarbeiten an AquaNox 2: Revelation
Lt. Junior Grade
Beiträge: 40
Registriert: Freitag 25. Januar 2013, 23:32

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von DragoFire »

Einheit-101 hat geschrieben:Here is a part of the improved Succubus model... i finished the left wing. It`s a LOT of work, but it seems to be worth every penny.

I like the Zorn better for looks.
here's the Zorn, which I like better
here's the Zorn, which I like better
zorn-1.jpg (129.22 KiB) 37749 mal betrachtet
original AD Succubus skin
original AD Succubus skin
succubus.jpg (145.35 KiB) 37749 mal betrachtet
Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
Lt. Junior Grade
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Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 19:25
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Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von Biohazard »

Die Beiden Tools auf Seite 1 sind nicht mehr Erreichbar. Können die Gefixt werden ?
Genau wie auf Seite 2 und die Mids sind auch nicht mehr vorhanden.
Lt. Junior Grade
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Freitag 9. Januar 2015, 19:53

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von Einheit-101 »

@Biohazard die Tools sind momentan nicht verfügbar.

@DragonFire omg are those 256x256 textures??? :D
They are completely useless (the low poly Zorn model too) so it is required to remodel the Zorn and give it brand new custom textures :D

How did you convert the textures?

BTW. The Succubus is now 90% finished. I fixed many edges and added many details.
Lt. Junior Grade
Beiträge: 40
Registriert: Freitag 25. Januar 2013, 23:32

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von DragoFire »

Einheit-101 hat geschrieben:@Biohazard die Tools sind momentan nicht verfügbar.

@DragonFire omg are those 256x256 textures??? :D
They are completely useless (the low poly Zorn model too) so it is required to remodel the Zorn and give it brand new custom textures :D

How did you convert the textures?

BTW. The Succubus is now 90% finished. I fixed many edges and added many details.
I'll have to go through my notes on the whole conversion, but they are the original texture files at the original sizes. Remember back in the day things weren't as detailed as today. ;)
Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
Lt. Junior Grade
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Freitag 9. Januar 2015, 19:53

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von Einheit-101 »

Yeah i know but it is funny to see those small textures :D
I wish Nordic Games would release the original render stuff (if it even exists anymore), because those textures seem to have been bigger than 256x256 while Massive was doing the models.
After finishing the game they just scaled them down. The high-poly AD models are interesting, too (look at the render images of some boats in the AD manual, those boats had 1998 more polygons than Aquanox 2 models :O )

€DIT: Well, i am done. I can`t get anything better than this and yeah, i know, the X3 TC shaders are a little bit strong in the first picture (too much metallic chrome). The new model has 4,6x as much polygons as the original made by Massive. The texture size has been increased 3x.

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Registriert: Montag 18. Mai 2009, 15:29
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Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von thexil »

Nice work!

I have to admit I am impressed. Especially of your speed :sunny:
Aqua dentes habet.
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Registriert: Freitag 8. August 2008, 02:23
Wohnort: Bonn

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von sideshowBob »

Einheit-101 hat geschrieben:The high-poly AD models are interesting, too (look at the render images of some boats in the AD manual, those boats had 1998 more polygons than Aquanox 2 models :O )
My thoughts exactly. So much work went into those (and remember they're in the equipment/repair displays too, altough the turn animation is probably just some sort of gif workaround).
Any way, good job you guys. Love to see some AD assets & the Succubus looks amazing.
Lt. Junior Grade
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Freitag 9. Januar 2015, 19:53

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von Einheit-101 »

Thanks @ all :)
Massive used the simplest texturing method in history for the Succubus but i was able to fix the missing 90° textures at the side with a little bit of GIMP, 3ds max and magic^^
Here you can see the issue and its fix:

The model is now 100% finished (But i could further optimize some small details while waiting for Aquanox 3).
I will now float a little bit around with it.

Those Dock animations for playerships are not 3D supported for sure, it is an animation. It looks like they animated the high poly model with stop-motion.
Lt. Junior Grade
Beiträge: 40
Registriert: Freitag 25. Januar 2013, 23:32

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von DragoFire »

Einheit-101 hat geschrieben:Yeah i know but it is funny to see those small textures :D
I wish Nordic Games would release the original render stuff (if it even exists anymore), because those textures seem to have been bigger than 256x256 while Massive was doing the models.
After finishing the game they just scaled them down. The high-poly AD models are interesting, too (look at the render images of some boats in the AD manual, those boats had 1998 more polygons than Aquanox 2 models :O )

€DIT: Well, i am done. I can`t get anything better than this and yeah, i know, the X3 TC shaders are a little bit strong in the first picture (too much metallic chrome). The new model has 4,6x as much polygons as the original made by Massive. The texture size has been increased 3x.

Have to remember when AD was released 640x480 was thought to be massive, and if you could run that you had a powerful 486DX CPU, a 4Mb graphics card (maybe a 3Dfx chipset) with maybe 8Mb of ram. These days with have massively powerful PC's.

Mine for example is the following:
i7 980ex 6core
24Gb PC2000 DDR3
R9 280X Tri-X with 3Gb
894Gb Boot drive made up of 2x Vraptor's in SATA3 RAID0
and masses of HDD space.

run the old first release of AD without slowing tools it's almost impossible to play.
Just another tragic case of terminal kinetic energy poisoning!
It's hard to please everyone, but easy to upset everyone!
Beiträge: 1292
Registriert: Freitag 8. August 2008, 02:23
Wohnort: Bonn

Re: Unpacking AN2 files

Beitrag von sideshowBob »

You could NOT, I repeat NOT run AD on an 486DX unless you were born a masochist. Same goes for the minimum requirement of 8 megs of ram. You had to play it in half line mode and were in for non stop stuttering. I know, because I tried.